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Crazy Kittens E-Sport is registered under Sverok and follows Sverok's standard regulations.

As a member, you are insured via sverok.

The insurance applies if an accident occurs on the way to, from or during an event organized by Sverok or a Sverok association. You do not have to be a member of the Sverok association that organizes, because as long as you are a member of any Sverok association, the insurance applies to a Sverok-affiliated event.

The management of your data

You are now applying for membership in the association in 2023. You are also joining Sverok. If you are between 6-25 years old, the association receives a grant for being a member. No personal data will be disclosed by Sverok.

Read more about how your personal data is handled

This is how your personal data is processed

The association you now become a member of is responsible for ensuring that your personal data is treated with the utmost care and that these are not passed on to another party without your consent.

You are now submitting your personal data in the eBas database, which is a reporting system for all member associations in the national confederation Sverok. If necessary, we may look up your civil registration address via SPAR. When you become a member of this association, you also become a member of Sverok.

Sverok complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and processes your data with the utmost care. Your personal data is never disclosed to others by Sverok. Sverok may store your personal data for up to three years.

Sverok may use your personal data during member reconciliations via phone or SMS, to ensure the association's membership list. Then we call or text random people on the membership list and ask if they are members of the association.

Sverok sends continuous mailings to all members of the association. There may also be surveys that you are asked to answer.

The data can also be used as a basis for state grant applications, the districts' regional grant applications, the association's grant applications and statistics.

Reviewers from a government authority or region may be given the opportunity to review personal data from Sverok's Federal Chancellery, if their work requires it.

Rules for Crazy Kittens E-sports

§1 The association
The association's name is Crazy Kittens E-sport.
The association is based in Uppsala.
The association is a non-profit association that is religiously and politically independent.
The association is connected to Sverok.
The purpose of the association is to deal with and increase interest in [the gaming hobby].
The association works with equal treatment so that all members have the same opportunities and conditions to participate in the business and influence it.
The association's operating year is January 1 to December 31.

§2 Become a member
All persons who approve the association's statutes have the right to become members.
Anyone who has registered membership to the association in writing becomes a member.
The annual meeting can decide that it is free to be a member, or that the association must have a membership fee. If there is a membership fee, it must be paid for a person to be counted as a member.
Members have the right to receive information about the association, participate in and vote at annual meetings and be elected to positions of trust in the association (for example, board or election committee). Members are obliged to follow the association's statutes and rules, keep their contact details updated with the association and treat other members with respect.

§3 Stop being a member
The membership is valid up to and including the following business year's annual meeting. After this, the member must apply for membership again if he wishes to remain a member of the association.

A member who wants to leave the association early must notify the association's board in writing. Then the person is no longer counted as a member.

A member who misbehaves may be suspended from the association's activities and expelled from the association. A person who has been suspended is still a member of the association but does not have the right to participate in the activities. If the person is excluded, he is no longer a member of the association. Decisions on suspension are made by the board. Decisions on exclusion are made by the annual meeting. If a member has been suspended, the upcoming annual meeting must decide whether the member should be expelled or not. A suspended member has the right to attend the annual meeting, and may vote on the question of his exclusion. The board and the annual meeting can lift exclusion and suspension.

§4 The board
The board must consist of at least three people, one of whom is the chairman. The board must share the responsibility.
The board is responsible for the association's money, operations, membership list, annual meeting and for what is decided at the annual meeting to be done.
The board must decide who has the right to sign agreements in the association's name. They are called underwriters. The board can always jointly sign the company.
The board is elected at the association's annual meeting, and takes office as soon as the meeting is over.
Anyone who is a member of the association can be elected to the board.

§5 Auditors
The association must have one or two auditors.
The auditor's task is to review the association's finances and the board's work and report it for the next annual meeting.
The auditors are elected at the annual meeting, and take office as soon as the meeting is over.
A person who sits on the association's board or who has just resigned as a board member cannot also be elected as an auditor.
The auditor must not be related to or closely related to anyone on the board.
The auditor does not have to be a member of the association.

§6 Nomination committee
The association may have an election committee.
The nomination committee's task is to propose people for the personal election at the annual meeting.
Anyone who is a member of the association can be elected to the election committee.
The nomination committee is elected at the annual meeting and takes office as soon as the meeting is over.
If no election committee is elected, the association's members are jointly responsible for the election committee's tasks. The members then send their proposals to the board, and the board is responsible for compiling and presenting all those proposed at the annual meeting.

§7 Annual meeting
The annual meeting must be held no later than March 31 each year.
For the meeting to be valid, the members of the association must be notified personally at least two weeks in advance. The members must be told the time, place and what is to be discussed at the meeting. If all members of the association are present at the meeting and they unanimously approve it, the meeting can be valid even if the invitation came later than two weeks before the meeting.

If there are special reasons, the annual meeting can be held later than March 31, provided the members approve it.

This must always be addressed at an ordinary annual meeting:
1) Opening of the meeting
2) Decision on the validity of the meeting
3) Election of the chairman of the meeting
4) Election of the secretary of the meeting
5) Election of at least one person to review the minutes after the meeting, and if necessary to act as a vote counter
6) Determination of voter register
7) Establishing the agenda
8) The board's report on last year's operations
9) The board's report on last year's finances
10) The auditors' report on the board's work last year
11) Decision on discharge of liability for last year's board
12) Processing of proposals from the board and members
13) Decision on the year's business plan
14) Decision on the year's budget and possible membership fee
15) Election of this year's board
16) Selection of auditor(s) of the year
17) Possible election of this year's election coordinator
18) Closure of the meeting

If the board, the auditor or at least a quarter of the association's members wish, the association must hold an extra annual meeting. It can be held at any time of the year. The same requirements for validity apply to extra annual meetings as to ordinary ones. At an extra annual meeting, only what is stated in the invitation can be taken up at the meeting.

§8 Voting
All members who are at the annual meeting have one vote each. Voting by mail or by proxy is not permitted. In voting, the proposal with the most votes wins. If a vote is equal twice in a row, it is considered that the proposal does not pass. If the vote concerns a personal choice and the result is the same twice in a row, chance decides. Votes that are not for or against any proposal are not counted.

Everyone on the board who attends a board meeting has the right to vote. In voting, the proposal with the most votes wins. If a vote is equal twice in a row, it is considered that the proposal does not pass. Votes that are not for or against any proposal are not counted.

§9 Change the statutes
The association's statutes can only be changed at an annual meeting and if the proposed change is included in the invitation to the meeting. For the change to apply, at least twice as many people must vote for the change as those who vote against it.

§10 Closure
The annual meeting can decide that the association should be closed down. The association is not closed as long as there are at least three members who want to continue the association. If the association is closed, all the association's debts must be paid and the accounts closed. If the association has money or things left when it is closed down, these must be donated to a non-profit association with a similar purpose or to Sverok. A person in charge must be appointed by the annual meeting to close the association's accounts, terminate any agreements, manage the transfer of assets and deregistration from Sverok.

Crazy Kittens E-Sports

©2023 by Crazy Kittens E-Sports. 

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